
As long as there is business done, we'll find ways to optimize this

Hour Pendulum is a product by Pendulum.

In a rapidly changing technology environment, companies need to be better than yesterday, everday.
Pendulum provides technology tools that enable companies to do just that.
Our tools enable our users to learn from their own data as well as of that of others.

Hour Pendulum is our first tool that allows companies to do better project management.
We started building this tool born from frustration.
There are a lot of tools out there for small pieces of the project management puzzle, such as time tracking, issue tracking, planning etc.
Unfortunately, there is not one application that does all.
Some do provide integrations with other tools, but this is perceived as less optimal.
If you truly want to be better tomorrow, the data needs to work well with each other.
That would not be possible when you would use multiple tools and because of that, Hour Pendulum was born.

Meet the team

picture of Stijn

Stijn Driessen

From his early age, Stijn was busy with computers to automate repeating tasks. He's always been very interested in automation and how it can help solve his and other people's problems.
He learned shortly thereafter that he is especially interested in business problematics and this is strengthened by what he likes to do most: reading management books.
For the past years, Stijn lead big teams in software development and E-Commerce. His experience has helped the product to develop further.

Michelangelo van Dam

Michelangelo made from his hobby his profession: software development. Like most eager developers, he learned himself how to code. To further enhance this learning, Michelangelo likes to be in the middle when it comes to user groups and is also founder of one of the largest PHP meetup groups in the world, PHP Benelux.
Michelangelo plays a crucial role when it comes to the architecture of our tools and he lives and breathes to give users the performance they need to use our tools to make them better everyday.

picture of Michelangelo
picture of Praful

Praful Zalke

As a software developer, Praful constantly challenges what is possible and what is not. He makes sure we get the right features in our products. His appetite is big and that's why he's almost working 24/7 on coding. If he's not coding, he's probably thinking of it.
Over the years, Praful has executed more than 100 different projects and knows thereby what goes right and what can go wrong. He is more than happy to put his experiences back in coding to further improve Hour Pendulum.

Ashutosh Dinore

His own smile could be enough to make everyone smile, but not for Ashutosh. He rather makes people smile from giving them a very good user experience. That's why he is keen on getting every pixel correctly and he isn't scared of adding just a little bit more space here and there.
Ashutosh has already designed tons of websites and is eager to put all his experience back into Hour Pendulum. He will be happy when you are happy and that can be very addictive. He will also be happy when you will be able to use all our features, because then his personal mission is achieved. Namely, making the user experience so simple, that everyone can use it.

picture of Ashutosh

Want to contribute to our tools?

We are always open for great talent.
Wheter your in sales or marketing or prefer to code.
Please send your resume and your motivation letter to us.

Open application